Brow Care

Before care for Semi Permanent Brow Treatment

What to avoid and when

  • 1 Year prior: Accutane
  • Months prior: Chemical Peels
  • 1 Month Prior: Botox 
  • 2 Weeks Prior: Retinol or Retin-A, facials, harsh acne medicine, sunburned skin 
  • 24-48 hours Prior: Alcohol, Caffeine, Blood Thinners (this includes Ibuprofen and Asprin)

*If you have any questions about specific medications or skin care please contact us directly 

After Care

10 days post treatment

  • Wash your hands before touching or applying any product to area
  • Apply aftercare ointment provided at you appointment as instructed by artist
  • Maintain facial hygiene 
  • NO sweating for 10 days
  • NO makeup from the brow up for 10 days
  • NO sun exposure or tanning beds (if you lay in the tanning bed at any point after your procedure, your brows can fade and change colors)
  • Avoid excessive water exposure (standing with your face directly under the shower head, pools, beaches, lakes, etc)
  • Do not pick or peel your brows, flaking and itching is NORMAL
  • Cleanse brows with provided cleanser

*To elongate the life or your brows after the initial 10 day healing process apply sunscreen to brows and avoid Retinal, Retin-A or any other potent skincare treatments directly on the brow area.

Facial Care

After Care

Post medical facial care

  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water to help your body detox and maintain a glow.
  • Avoid makeup: Avoid wearing makeup for at least 12 hours after your facial. Makeup can sit in your pores and irritate your skin.
  • Avoid sweating: Avoid activities that cause sweating, like exercise or using a sauna, for at least 24 hours. Sweating can undo the effects of the facial and irritate your skin.
  • Avoid sun exposure:
  • Avoid the sun for at least two weeks after your facial. If you must go outside, wear clothing to protect your skin.
  • Avoid harsh products:
  • Avoid harsh skincare products and scrubs for at least 24 hours.
  • Protect your skin: Use a broad-spectrum SPF moisturizer to protect your skin from the sun.
  • Be gentle: Be gentle with your skin and avoid touching or picking at it.
  • Continue your routine: Continue your regular skincare routine, but use gentle, non-irritating products.
  • Don't wax: Don't wax for at least 48 hours after your facial